All systems are operational

Past Incidents

17th February 2024

No incidents reported

16th February 2024

No incidents reported

15th February 2024

No incidents reported

14th February 2024

Previews for orders not generating on Pressero

We have completed a priority deployment to Pressero US to fix the issue with previews not being generated on uploaded files. Thank you for your patience today!

Previews for orders not generating on Pressero

Please be aware that the Pressero application is currently having trouble generating preview files on orders. Our developers are working on this issue with priority and we will confirm here when it is resolved. All services are still normally available, only preview generation is affect by the current issue, but we are sorry for the inconvenience today.

13th February 2024

Europe (Amsterdam) - Pressero - Admin AMS Service is now restored

Servers issues have been resolved. The outage was due to an unplanned reboot of a server, where services did not restart properly.

Europe (Amsterdam) - Pressero - Admin AMS Servers currently unavailable.

We're seeing alerts of a server outage in the AMS region. Our engineers are investigating the cause and working to restore services as soon as possible. This has also affected our support portal and chat system.

12th February 2024

No incidents reported

11th February 2024

No incidents reported